



Qodana for JVM

Qodana for JVM はサーバーサイドKotlinかJavaを解析できるようです。Scalaは近日公開とのこと。



Qodana for JVM Docker image | Qodana

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 \
  -v <source-directory>/:/data/project/ \
  -v <output-directory>/:/data/results/ \
  jetbrains/qodana-jvm-community --show-report


docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 \
  -v "$(pwd)"/direct/:/data/project/ \
  -v "$(pwd)"/report/:/data/results/ \
  jetbrains/qodana-jvm-community --show-report

/data/project/ にプロジェクトを配置すれば、解析されます。結果は /data/results/ に吐き出されます。


By using this Docker image, you agree to the Qodana Community Linters Agreement (https://www.jetbrains.com/legal/docs/agreements/qodana/community-linters/) and JetBrains privacy policy (https://www.jetbrains.com/legal/docs/privacy/privacy/).
     QQQQQQQ      DDDDDDDDDDD           Qodana for JVM Community linter
   QQ:::::::QQ    D::::::::::DDD        Analyze project written in Java and Kot
 QQ:::::::::::QQ  D:::::::::::::DD      lin
Q::::::QQQ::::::Q DDD::::DDDDD::::D     To see the complete list of supported t
Q:::::O   Q:::::Q   D::::D    D::::D    echnologies and languages,
Q::::O     Q::::Q   D::::D     D::::D   visit the Qodana (https://www.jetbrains
Q::::O     Q::::Q   D::::D     D::::D   .com/qodana) documentation.
Q::::O   QQQ::::Q   D::::D     D::::D   Contact us at
Q:::::O  Q::::::Q   D::::D    D:::DD    qodana-support@jetbrains.com
 QQ::::QQ::::::Q  DDD::::DDDDD::DD      Or via our issue tracker:
   QQ:::::::::Q   D::::::::::DDD        https://jb.gg/qodana-issue
     QQQQQQQ:::QQ DDDDDDDDDDD           Or share your feedback in our Slack:
            QQQQQQ                      https://jb.gg/qodana-slack!
Starting up IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2.3 (build QDJVMC-212.5672.90) ...done.
Preparing for the Project opening stage ...
(Project opening) done.                                                         
The Project opening stage completed in 4 s 198 ms
Initializing project...Inspecting with the 'qodana.starter' profile
Loaded the 'qodana.sanity' shared project profile
The 'qodana.sanity' profile is configured for sanity checks
The 'qodana.recommended' profile is configured for promo checks
Preparing for the Project configuration stage ...
(Project configuration) Keep running Project configuration ... so far 4 m 0 s 9 
The Project configuration stage completed in 4 m 24 s 211 ms
Preparing for the Project analysis stage ...
(Project analysis) Analyzing code 94% [QuestionApplicationService.kt]           
The Project analysis stage completed in 4 s 608 ms
---- Qodana - Detailed summary ----

Analysis results: 1 problems detected

Grouping problems by severity: Note - 1
Name                     Severity Count problems
Implicit `Nothing?` type note     1      
2021/12/18 03:26:32 IDEA exit code: 0
2021/12/18 03:26:32 Generating html report ...
Generating final reports...
The project doesn't contain qodana.yaml config file
2021/12/18 03:26:33 Serving report on http://localhost:8080 ...


--show-report 引数をつけたので、ブラウザからレポートを確認できます。



「Open file in」からIntelliJで該当箇所を直接開けます。便利ですね。

レポート画面は /data/results/ に生成されたHTMLからでも確認できるのでDockerコンテナを終了した後でも確認できます。CIに組み込む場合はこのファイルをアーカイブすると、結果を保存できますね。